

BArch (hons), M Phil, RIBA, SEEDA

Sumita is an award-winning architect, academic and author with her own design practice, Eco=logic which has worked internationally. Sumita's awards include the UIA:UNESCO International design award, Women In Business award at the House of Commons and Atkins Inspire award for Architecture.  She was included in an exhibition about the 28 women who had made a difference to the life and culture of Britain. 

Sumita set up Architects For Change, the Equality forum at the Royal Institute of British Architects and is past Chair of Women In Architecture.  Sumita was elected to the RIBA Council (2011-14) and has served on many RIBA committees for over 25 years. She sits on the RIBA Professional conduct panel. She is a non-executive Director of Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust where she chairs the ‘People and Culture’ committee and sits on the Capital Investments Scrutiny and Quality & Safety committees. Sumita is a trustee of Architects Benevolent Society and the Commonwealth Association of Architects. She is a Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust.

Sumita has taught architecture in the UK and abroad. Presently she is a tutor in professional practice at the University of Westminster.  She is the founding director of Charushila, an international design charity for community projects. She is the author of Architecture For Rapid Change and Scarce Resources (Routledge, 2012, reprinted 2020) and Autotelic Architect (Routledge, 2016, reprinted 2020), the four volume Major works: Women In Architecture (Routledge, 2018) and Future Healthcare Design (RIBA Publishing, 2020).  Sumita is currently writing on healthcare for another RIBA publication. She speaks regularly on radio and podcasts about architecture. She likes to paint, cook and garden, and also enjoys exploring diverse cultures.